How to get Web Analytics right – Part 1 – 3 Fatal Flaws in Your Digital Analytics Setup

During the last years I had the chance to see – and setup/maintain – many Digital Analytics setups under the hood. Here are my top 3 fatal flaws that I have seen in many Digital Analytics setups. In times of digitization, AI and data-driven decision-making, these can bring huge losses.

Web Analytics Setup Check - Avoid these 3 Fatal Flaws

There are many guides that teach you how to get your Web Analytics setup up and running (like i.e. Google Analytics). But only few of them put the finger into those very typical and crucial traps, that sooo many organizations face today.

With this new blog post series, let’s have a focused and detailed look on some of those causes and problems, that have the power to break an organizations websites or apps neck.

How’s about your Web Analytics Tool Setup: Are you sure it is set up to succeed, or could it maybe fail silently in background?

3 fatal flaws:
The Wrong, The Bad & The Neglected

I’ve seen countless projects stumble while trying to leverage the data of their website, shop or app. According to my observations, it’s most often about one or more of the following traps:

Today, let’s start with a first overview about these critical topics. And please note: During the next weeks, I’ll write further blog posts going even deeper into each of this topics. 

1. The Wrong: unclear directions, goals & KPI

Strategy - Web Analytics Tool Setup Check

The first serious mistake happens right at the start of each tool implementation. Not making sure that you have your directions and goals clearly in mind.

I have seen too many organizations having no clear path for their Web Analytics setup before their eyes. As a result, they often collect standard measures and follow generic tipps and best practices.

But by doing this, they waste LOTS of human resources, time and money. To rely on standard measures and KPI means you are following the wrong path. Just because many people are following a path somewhere, it doesn’t mean this road leads to the place that YOU want to reach.

When you don’t achieve clarity about how your website or app can contribute to your organizations individual goals, this is the unfortunate starting point of a long path ending up where you never wanted to:

  • If you’re just following standard setup and some best practices, you are strongly prone to collecting wrong data. This data that doesn’t represent your success towards your own unique goals.
  • From this follows, you’re drawing suboptimal conclusions.
  • From this follows, you’re hitting suboptimal decisions.
  • You end up with prioritising wrong actions
  • Finally, you’re moving farther and farther on the wrong path.

It is crucial to always make sure you are focused on what’s most important for you – individually for your organization! Your “reason why” is very unique. Your goals are very unique. Your approach to the market & to reach your goals is very unique. That is why also your data and KPI definitions needs are just as unique!

How to get this flaw corrected? Read on with blog post series part 2: 
How to get Web Analytics right – Strategy, Goals and KPI

2. The Bad: Insufficient Data Quality

Insufficient Data Quality - Web Analytics Setup Check

Not few struggle with bad data quality. Whether it’s misconfigured consent and privacy settings, or incomplete customer journey and touchpoint/conversions tracking.

And indeed, the web analytics world has become lots more complicated during the last years. Some years ago, there were not so many complications with cookies, regulations like GDPR or the necessity of a consent management tool. Nevertheless, this is often very likely to be the next big trap.

Data quality has real potential to derail your whole websites efficiency. It can – in times of data and AI – even throw your complete business off track.

It often begins like this: Some data does not make sense. People are sceptic. Just to give a few examples, I have seen many of the following problems so many times:

  • There are way too many visitors from a foreign continent.
  • There are obvious mistakes in your referral sources.
  • The bounce rate has a whopping 0.0%.
  • There are too many transactions / goal reaches.

How can you get safety and clarity? I do have two offerings, for Google Analytics. 1. Please check out my Web Analytics Tool Check Package. I offer a holistic check of your Web Analytics tool ensuring good data quality. 2. Download my Google Analytics Tool Checklist (right now only in German) and do the quality check yourself.

Within this series’ blog posts 3.1 and 3.2, I’ll talk about most common data quality pitfalls, how to recognize them, and, how to fix them. Post 3.1 is about consent management and privacy settings. And Post 3.2 will be about tracking all relevant touchpoints of your customer journey (coming soon).

3. The Neglected: Unleveraged Data value

Analysis and Optimization - Web Analytics Tool Setup Check

The third big trap is not directly one about Digital Analytics Tool Setup itself. But nevertheless, it can totally derail your whole website or app project. Thus, it is just important as the other points above. It is about not leveraging the value hidden in your data.

Imagine you get both your data collection strategy AND your data quality right, but THEN no one in the room uses the data (which may be strategically correct and of good-quality) to its full potential. Sounds ridiculous? Yes. But. That’s exactly what I see in sooo many organizations. It’s not the point, that there is no will to extract these insights.

But what’s often missing, is this:

  • The knowhow and experience needed for clever analysis this not available.
  • People can’t estimate how big the available values and advantages are. Thus organizations don’t even think about such projects.
  • Colleagues have no time to do this job.
  • Other tasks have higher priority.
  • Especially in times of trouble, such type of work becomes quickly a lower priority.
The thing is: To not use your data in todays times, can soon become very dangerous! 

What is my goal?
Read about my roadmap how to help reaching #ZeroHunger here:

Imagine it the other way around: You can transform and improve with data-based decisions all your organization into a better version of yourself. This can truly make the crucial difference between thriving or failing in the age of data and ai.

What has changed over the years? In classical times and classical brick and mortar businesses, you could get to know your customers quite simply. They come in-person into your store. You meet them, you get to know them better and better. You observe so many details. How they behave. What is important to them. Their face expressions, their body language. But in the digital age, in a more and more digital business – where your clients and interested parties meet you more and more exclusively online – you lose more and more such classical possibilities. The earliest and often today even the only main touchpoint is your website or app! And the new way to learn about your customers, is to get knee deep into your data about your users.

THIS is the reason, why data is the fuel to improvement in the age of ai. But you can only leverage it, if you take action and improve your organization based upon data-based insights.

Missing to get to know your customers and how their behaviour – sometimes rapidly – changes is, in my opinion, one of the biggest threats to the growth of many websites, apps and shops. I have seen so many organizations NOT using their data potentials.

And of course, as it is chronologically the third step after the two mentioned above, logically, this is the hardest to be accomplished. It needs to be accomplished, after you have reached the other two steps successfully. I am convinced: The needed knowhow is too often dangerously missing within organizations, how to approach your data so you can lift up the knowhow out of your data.

THIS is where I can step in and support: With my extensive experience and knowledge, I am ready to help. Either with coachings and trainings that help your colleagues to thrive. Or with my analytics packages to deliver those insights, so you can directly start leveraging and using valuable insights. We even can setup continuous improvement together. Let’s get in touch and book an appointment.

Within this series’ upcoming blog post number 4 (coming soon), I’ll talk about how to approach your data, so you can derive the real worthy values. And how to come into data inspired, data based and datadriven action.

TL;DR – By getting these 3 right, you’ll thrive.

Web Analytics Tool Check

Now that you have this overview of main critical breaking points for setting up flawless analytics, it’s a good time to get your Digital Analytics setup up and running. With the right setup, you’re ready to transform your data into insights – and insights into accountable action. Thus you can use your data advantage to get ahead of your competition.

If you’re unsure about any step or want to accelerate your results, let’s talk

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