
“Customer Insights with Data Analytics” – My day as guest lecturer at FH Aachen (November 14, 2024)

“Customer Insights with Data Analytics” – My day as guest lecturer at FH Aachen (November 14, 2024)

Today, on November 14, 2024, I had the opportunity to be a guest lecturer at the FH Aachen on the topic of "Customer Experience". Together with Sebastian Krämer from rose, I had the opportunity to share and discuss my thoughts and experiences on the topic of "Customer Insights & Datadriven Decisions with Data Analytics" with the students. And I also took a few things away from the day for myself.The event took place in Faculty 05 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. The...

Aachen Data & AI Meetup: “Data Science in a nutshell”

Aachen Data & AI Meetup: “Data Science in a nutshell”

How can I make quick and smart decisions in the face of unimaginable amounts of data? "In recent years, all the headlines about data [...] and artificial intelligence have diverted our attention from the most important thing: decision support" - Dan Vesset The next...

Workshop series “The online marketing and sales essentials”

Workshop series “The online marketing and sales essentials”

Together with digitalHUB Aachen, GFIU and Dr. Anna Lea Dyckhoff, I am offering a series of events, some of which are aimed at managing directors and some at marketing managers. Current best practice knowledge on various (strategic and operational) topics of online...

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