Herzliche Einladung zu unserem nächsten Aachen Data & AI Meetup
Am 17. März 2021 findet ab 18.00 Uhr unser nächstes Aachen Data & AI Meetup statt:
Diesmal geht es um Datengetriebene Entscheidungen und wie man diese optimal in einer Organisation ermöglichen kann. Es wird wie immer Vorträge wie auch lebendige Beispiele zum Thema von Experten aus Unternehmen sowie aus der Forschung geben.
Weitere Informationen zum Event auf meetup.comIn our next meetup, we’ll have a look at DATA DRIVEN DECISION MAKING! Listening to your gut feeling is a good thing, but the question is: how can you prevent mistakes in your decisions? The answer, which we will explore during the event, is that we need to take all relevant facts and context into account.
Speakers from established organizations, as well as from Aachen’s universities, will show you how to use your data for making better decisions. They will provide examples of best practices, giving you inspiration to get started or to improve your current approach.
Some of the questions related to data driven decision making we will discuss are:
- What is data-driven decision making?
- What are the advantages of this approach?
- Are there established data-driven processes and methods for decision making?
- What are the latest developments in this area?
- What is crucial to consider when using AI and machine learning for data-driven decision making?
- What does an organization or a team need in order to become more data driven?
- How can I profit as an individual from all of this?
The event will once again take place on the awesome networking platform hopin.to, which provides innovative online networking possibilities.
As usual in our meetups, we’ll give you the opportunity to network with the experts and with the other participants.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us: data.ai.meetup@gmail.com.
Weitere Informationen zum Thema gibt es auch auf meiner Website unter > Datengetriebene Strategie