Site icon Thomas Gerstmann

Workshop series “The online marketing and sales essentials”

Together with digitalHUB Aachen, GFIU and Dr. Anna Lea Dyckhoff, I am offering a series of events, some of which are aimed at managing directors and some at marketing managers.
Current best practice knowledge on various (strategic and operational) topics of online marketing and sales is imparted.


Coaching in Aachen - Workshop-Serie „Die Online-Marketing und Vertrieb Essentials“

What can you expect in our workshops?

The events have an interactive character. After a presentation on the current main features of the respective topic, we are happy to discuss the participants’ questions. The topics presented are explained and illustrated using specific examples. The events are designed to provide participants with knowledge about current best practice topics.

Further information

Target group:

Managing directors and decision-makers in sales, marketing or digital topics of companies from the B2B and B2C environment –
Marketing managers who want to get an overview of current topics and trends; operational marketing managers for digital topics.

Location: digitalCHURCH, Jülicher Straße 72a, Aachen

Conditions: All workshops are free of charge for members of the digitalHUB Aachen (User- und Enabler-IT-Mittelstand). All other participants pay EUR 500 plus VAT per person and workshop.

Ready To Start? Then register for the desired event via eventbrite. You will find the corresponding links in the following overview of all workshops.


Overview of my workshops

Further workshops in the series

The first workshop in the series will be offered by GFIU and Andreas Engelen on December 11, 2019:“The 1×1 of online marketing and sales for decision-makers – what every managing director needs to know”.

An overview of all other workshops in the series can be found on the page for the workshop series at digitalHUB Aachen

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About me

I have been improving websites, online stores and apps for over 20 years. I talk to users and understand them. Available data is used. Based on these findings, I consistently improve digital measures for the greater success of your customers. Our second project for this is

As a photographer and artist, I am a member of the Artists Association “Berufsverband Bildender Künstler”. You can find my photographic portrait of todays sociely on my photo blog “objektiv auf unendlich” as well as on my objektiv auf unendlich Instagram channel. I am interested – also and above all as a Christian – in digital ethics: What kind of digital society do we want to live in in the future? That’s why I’m a volunteer at digitalHUB Aachen e.V., organize the Data & AI Meetup Aachen and co-founded the Plattform Aachen e.V. association, which is involved in the triangle of city, art and faith.

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