Poor data quality is a silent killer for many websites. Misleading data analytics undermines every decision-making. One of the first steps often is to improve consent management.
Consent management is not only about privacy and customer respect. It’s also about securing high-quality and reliable data. Missing this, you won’t hit good strategic decisions. It’s like a path full of hindrances and garbage that makes you stumble. Your optimisations are prone to failure. As a proper setup can be hard, let’s try to clean up this path – and give a focused look to the crucial aspects.
This post is part of my blogpost series “How to get Web Analytics right“. In the series I talk about the 3 most fatal flaws in Web Analytics setups that I observe most often:
- Flaw No. 1: Missing Web Analytics Strategy, Goals & KPI.
- Flaw No. 2: Bad data quality. Consists of 2 parts. Part 1: Consent Management (this article). Part 2: Track the complete Customer Journey (not published yet).
- Flaw No. 3: How to finally use your data (not published yet).
Today, let’s go and fix your Consent Management! I’ve packed lot’s of my collected knowhow into this article.
1. Why is good Consent Data Quality crucial?
In theory, consent management should be simple, basic and clean. Then high data quality would follow directly. But often it’s not. Instead, setups often are pure chaos. And indeed, many solutions on the market don’t make your life easier.
Why is this so dangerous?
- Your brands reputation and trust can be severely damaged, i.e. by negative publicity or data leaks that have gone public. And more than that: People want to be treated respectful. If somebody would sniff around unexpectedly and undiscovered in the real world in your life and in your private stuff, and you would uncover him while doing that, all trust would be totally broken. Thus, more than everything else, be trustworthy.
- You’re prone to suffer severe penalties for data protection violations. In the European Union the amount of fines can be up to EUR 10 million or, in the case of an organisation, be up to 2% of its total worldwide annual turnover in the previous financial year.
- Your data quality can be influenced negatively. A lot of basic analytics implementations cannot be used in any meaningful way at all. Messed up Web Analytics technology up eats Web Analytics strategy for breakfast, one could say. And this often, you guess right, because of consent management done wrong.
Data Quality & Consent Management gone wrong 😉
Some more words about respect and trust
We all now live in digital ages, where we – often – aren’t anymore in face-to-face communication with our clients.
In a real world talk we can see many reactions and feel emotions, like face mimic, hand gestures or body reactions. This enables us to be empathic.
But in a digital world, we must “see” and “talk” through digital devices being between us.
And thus, to not be nearly blind in digital space, we need to use those data signals available. In a pure digital setup those devices between us bring more distance. Thus, indeed it is good to obtain more data from these devices. So we can bridge this gap and understand, see and feel more. It is a good thing to minimise the separating effect of devices between us. The goal is always to be as empathic, just like in a real talk, also in our digital connections.
Digital Analytics Tools may sound cold and technical at a first glance. But indeed these are your way to understanding more about your clients “mimics, gestures and emotionality” in the digital space. Thus, a fine executed Web Analytics strategy is all about bridging the “digital device gap” to your clients and users.
And of course, here we need to be aware that in digital environments, privacy and security requirements are way higher to secure a persons privacy space.
That’s exactly where Consent Management comes into play: Give your clients and visitors control and transparency back about the technologies being used in your communication.
And with a proper consent management setup, you can show your respect and reliability. With that, you can emphasise you are worthy to “come a next step closer”. Closer to your clients. Then, you can listen and understand about their needs. Be empathic. And finally, by following down that path, you come closer to your conversion and your deal.
Act respectful and trustful.
How? Start with a proper Consent Management setup.
For these reasons, it’s so important to get your consent management right and improve your data collection quality.
Is your organizations Consent Management setup already correct? In case of any doubts or questions, don’t hesitate to contact me for a free 20-minutes sparring call. Let’s have a short look together.
2. The problem of low consent rates
You have solved your Consent Management data quality? Great!
Now, here comes the second crucial challenge:
Many organisations generate too few data. Having enough data is crucial for each organisation and project in the digital space. Each Web Analytics strategy can thrive or fail exactly by this. For many organisations only few users are willing to give consent. Because people want their privacy to be respected and protected. The more technical your business is, the more careful your visitors will be. In my case, the visitors of my website – folks like YOU 🙂 – are typically VERY privacy aware.
But you indeed can get both: Good quality and correct consented data. AND enough data for reliable decisions. And then also use it. I can help, to finally achieve all this. This is the goal of this blog posts series.
But first, now let’s get even deeper into the problem:
2.1 low accuracy leads to Wrong conclusions
If you don’t have enough data or minor data quality, you’re more likely to draw incorrect conclusions. Data reliability is key!
The main question is whether the data you have – hopefully a not too small piece of data – is representative of all your users/clients. If all types of people i.e. customers are not equally represented in your, this can lead to biases and manipulate accuracy.
Thus, since only a portion of the total population is analysed, there is always some degree of uncertainty regarding the accuracy of the results. Sampling errors can cause estimated values to shift from the actual values of the overall population. If the data you have accessible is not randomly selected or certain groups are underrepresented, the results may be misleading.
Working with i.e. only 30 or 40% of your data (as this can often be the consent rate of a consent management tool) will result in a smaller sample size than ideal. Smaller samples tend to have higher variance, meaning that the estimate outcome is less precise.
To reduce these problems, it’s important to either make sure your data is arranged very carefully with a focus on correct statistical methods. As only few do this, especially with “normal Google Analytics data”, my advise instead is quite simple: Go and get more data. This way it gets more representative and more reliable!
2.2 How to find out, if you don’t have enough data
There are two important borders to make out, if you have enough data, or not:
1. You should have a big enough share of data.
2. You should have a big enough absolute amount of data.
First, let’s talk about the share of data.
Getting insight into at least 50% of your share of data is critical. Why? When you’re below that line, the majority of your website visitors remains invisible to you. As a consequence of this, false conclusions become more likely.
For example my website, has a consent rate typically somewhere between 10-20%. And I’m not the only one with that low consent rates. During the last years I’ve seen MANY clients and organizations who get only consent from below 50% of their users.
Sure, you can also be below that line. But then you should start investigating your data more thoroughly and make sure you avoid wrong conclusions.
The second important border is the absolute amount of data.
You could have 100% consent of all your visitors. And you could have no losses because of browsers or plugins blocking tracking technology. And still, you are prone to wrong decisions. Because of too few data.
To find out your organizations individual border of your needed amount of data, you can calculate statistical significance. It’s important to reach it.
Statistical Significance. how to calculate it.
To put it plain: If you don’t really use data, then you don’t have any problem when there’s not enough data. But in case you want to do & improve something, then the question towards “enough data” emerges.
Start by understanding which questions you want to get answered. Which goals and topics do you want to improve? Maybe, you want to test a hypothesis about your website visitors, or a segment of them (i.e. users with mobile devices). For example, you want to optimise a calculator on your website. Today, too few visitors finish the calculator and see its result. Let’s say, you would like to reach double amount of finishers. And let’s assume you have a very good idea, what needs to be done in order to reach that goal.
In the next step, now you can use an online calculator to find out, how likely it is that your observed effect is really true. What are your ingredients? 1. The amount of your calculators total visitors. 2. The amount of your calculators visitors that reached finish. You need both values before and after havin applied the optimisation, i.e. for the time span of one month each. Type these numbers into the calculator.
As a result, you will get the feedback, if the change reached significance or not. Significance is determined by the so-called p-value. Small p-values (typically < 0.05) indicate a strong evidence of an effect, while large p-values suggest only weak evidence. In case of a weak evidence, you should get more sceptic & more data.
You can use this calculator to check it out.
2.3 How to Obtain more data – a respectful approach
There are different possible ways how to obtain more data. First thing is, of course, to reach more people. But today, we are not focusing on this. Instead, we are talking about getting more data from your existing and unchanged audience. There are mainly two approaches for this, how you can obtain more data.
1. One possible solution to this is, to improve the share of people who consent. Consent rate optimization. I am not going into details on this today also.
2. The other approach is to also track – in an anonymised way – people without consent. What many don’t know: This indeed can be legal. If you configure it right. When you remove all personal identifiable data (PII) and user profiling, then you may have no problem when tracking website visitors without consent. The need to get a users consent is all about collecting personal information. When there’s nothing personal in the collected data anymore, then there are no laws against it.
And even one more tip: The above mentioned low accuracy and high risk for wrong conclusions (i.e. when you have less than 50% consent rate) can be a good reason talking to your data privacy officer. Tell him, that it is really needed to get more data, in order to draw reliable business decisions. This reason can change your situation, and make collecting more data possible.
Now, let’s have a detailed look into above mentioned second approach “collect anonymised and consentless data”, and how some Web Analytics tools cope with it:
2.4 Web analytics tools – And how they cope with anonymised data
The analytics tools I work most with – Piwik PRO Analytics, Matomo Analytics and also Google Analytics – offer technical solutions and possibilities how collecting anonymised data can be achieved in a legal way.
Piwik PRO Analytics and Matomo Analytics
Both are hosted inside EU. Thus for them it is – according to EU laws – allowed to collect anonymised data without consent.
The tools register if users consent has been given or not. And send – based upon this – more or less detailed data. They send data with personal information like IP addresses and cookies, in case you have users consent. Or, in case you don’t have it, then without such detailed data.
If you start collecting anonymised data with these tools, you need to know about some additional challenges. But principally, it is possible! Maybe I will talk about how to do this some time later. Please let me know in case you’re interested in this.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is hosted in the US. That is why it is – in EU – more complicated to track data without consent.
However, Google Analytics offers “Consent Mode V2 – Advanced Consent Mode”. Advanced Consent Mode gives also possibility to deliver reduced and anonymised data.
The problem with US-based hosting is, that by “classic” or so-called “client-side” data submission, some users personal data like i.e. IP address cannot be removed. As an online connection between two different servers needs an IP address. Otherwise connection is impossible. For this reason, in case of Google Analytics serverside tag management needs to be added to the setup. This technology then makes removal of IP addresses possible.
Again, some details need to be taken care of. But principally, when having both, Advanced Consent Mode V2 and serverside tag management, then it’s also possible with Google Analytics to track consentless and anonymised data.
One advantage comes with Google Analytics: If you have achieved such a setup, then Google has a more advanced and AI-driven approach as Matomo and Piwik PRO to analyse consentless data: It kind of renders a more complete picture with such type of data. It models and closes the gap of people without consent. However, this so-called “modelled” data view gets only available, in case you have quite some amount of traffic. Thus, if you have enough traffic, I can recommend this. But in case you have less data available, again, this option will remain unaccessible for you.
For this reason, I recommend especially for smaller websites, to choose Piwik PRO instead of Google Analytics. With that analytics tool, more data access is simpler possible.
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3. Choosing the right Consent Management tool – what`s really important
Navigating the landscape of consent management tools can feel overwhelming. But with lots of options available on the market, it’s crucial to focus on those tools that align with your specific needs.
Based on my experience, I collected below some key factors to be considered. And I’ll share some personal recommendations for tools that have stood out in meeting these criteria.
The following guide will help you make informed consent management tool decisions.
3.1 Key factors for a Consent Management Tool Evaluation
In my experience very important factors are the following (amongst all those other factors that are widely discussed on the web):
1. Core consent management functionalities
- Is the consent management tool able to suppress content integrations like i.e. Youtube videos or Instagram feeds?
- Does the consent management tool send users consent choices to Tag Management tools (into the “dataLayer”)?
- Can users request deletion of their own session?
- Very important for understanding what’s happening:
Does the tool collect statistics? - Can the statistics be further segmented i.e. by traffic source or device type?
2. The tools user experience (UX)
- Is it easy to understand and to manage in its admin interface?
- Does the consent management tool provide a seamless user experience on various devices and browsers?
- Can it be easily integrated with your website’s design and layout?
3. Consent Data Export Features
- Can you export consent data and consent rate statistics in a way that’s easily searchable and analyzable?
- Can you get also more detailed statistics i.e. by device type and traffic source?
- Are the statistics exportable and receivable via API requests?
Especially the simplicity of the tools admin / backend area cannot be over-estimated. This is the main factor for troubles of different kinds.
Beyond that, in my experience, none of the tools I know so far has all of these requirements fulfilled. Thus, if you know or use a tool, that ticks all the boxes, PLEASE let me know in the comments. Thank you in advance!
Having said this, here are my recommendations, based upon my experience until now (I don’t get any advertising/affiliation for those):
3.2 Consent Management Tool Recommendations
- Cookie First (www.cookiefirst.com): Very easy to understand and easy to configure interface. Good statistic features.
- CookieBot (www.cookiebot.eu): This tool has been some time in critic, but has solved those problems quite well, in my opinion.
EU residents & companies: Please make sure to integrate the EU based version of CookieBot. - Borlabs Cookie for WordPress (borlabs.io/borlabs-cookie/): Solid solution for WordPress. I also use it on this website.
- And, last but not least: Piwik PRO Consent Manager (piwik.pro/gdpr-consent-manager). This makes of course mostly then sense, when you also use Piwik PRO Analytics and Piwik PRO Tag Management. But when you indeed choose all three tools from this one vendor, you can profit enormously from a well-forget unity of different privacy-aware tools, all under the hood of Piwik PRO.
3.3 important points for Consent Management Tool setup
For setup and activation of your consent management platform, make sure to check the following points:
- First of all, the most classic fail (and I wish this would not be a critical question; but indeed it is): Is the tool working correctly? That means: Does the users consent decision change anything towards tags being loaded (or not loaded) at all?
- Is the consent management tool configured to suppress content integrations like i.e. Youtube videos, Instagram feeds or other external tools like i.e. calendar-booking integrations?
- Is the consent management platform setup synchronised with your privacy policy? Are all those tools and tags mentioned, that you integrated in your website technically?
- Especially, is all personal data (like IP addresses, email addresses etc.) mentioned and explained, and what you and you subprocessors do with it?
- In case you collect also anonymised data without consent: Did you really implement both types of data (1. anonymised data without consent and 2. consented data incl. profiling) accurately?
Besides these, there is also the setup and design question of the consent overlay. It’s not mandatory, but interesting to tackle in order to reach more consents / a higher consent rate: Are there ways and possibilities to optimise display and design of the consent overlay? Are there ways to test (i.e. A/B-Testing) the design options in order to reach a higher consent rate?
Book your FREE SPARRING for B2B Websites & Online Shops
You would like somebody with a fresh view to check your data quality & consent management setup? Book your free 1:1 with me. We will reflect upon your setup and data quality and identify first potentials, how to optimize your setup.
The journey towards transparency and trust requires strength to navigate treacherous terrain of data protection laws and data quality pitfalls. You need to foster trust with your users while maintaining a solid technical tracking basis most efficiently.
The result of this will be a well executed Web Analytics strategy and good data quality, with which you can derive intelligent insights – and improve your experiences as well as your whole business.
By focusing on some very important features and aspects of consent management platforms, on user-friendly interfaces and some core data export features, you can ensure that your consent management not only meets compliance requirements, but also enhances your own data transparency and – most importantly – your overall digital strategy. While no tool is perfect, the recommendations shared above have proven reliability in various scenarios.
If you’ve discovered a solution that fits perfectly or have own experiences towards data quality or consent management to share, I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Together, we can refine our approaches to this ever-important aspect of digital responsibility.
P.S. My next blogpost will be about measuring not only data correctly (what was the topic here), but also measuring the correct data: How to make sure you collect all those relevant touchpoints of your customers journey. See you soon!
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