Poor data quality is a silent killer for many websites. Misleading data analytics undermines every decision-making. One of the first steps often is to improve consent management. Consent management is not only about privacy and customer respect. It's also about securing high-quality and reliable data. Missing this, you won't hit good strategic decisions. It's like a path full of hindrances and garbage that makes you stumble. Your optimisations are prone to failure. As a proper setup can be...
Vortrag “Datengetriebene Entscheidungen” – Als Gastdozent an der FH Aachen (14. November 2024)
Heute, am 14. November 2024, hatte ich die Gelegenheit, als Gastdozent an der FH Aachen...
How to get Web Analytics right – Part 2 – Strategy, Goals and KPI
A well-founded strategy for web analytics data analysis is key to an organizations...
“Track Day” at Circuit Zolder with my client RACING DYNAMICS
This weekend – on 28 September 2024 – I had the pleasure of joining RACING DYNAMICS. They invited me to join their "track day" at Circuit Zolder. They are indeed my longest-standing client, as we work together now for almost 20 years! This time, I got a next chance...
How to get Web Analytics right – Part 1 – 3 Fatal Flaws in Your Digital Analytics Setup
During the last years I had the chance to see – and setup/maintain – many Digital Analytics setups under the hood. Here are my top 3 fatal flaws that I have seen in many Digital Analytics setups. In times of digitization, AI and data-driven decision-making, these can...
6 SUPER-EASY Website Testing Methods For Everybody
Why use website testing methods? A successful website is more than just a beautiful design. To be successful, you must ensure your visitors reach their goals. It needs to work and be user-friendly. Your users goals and intentions always need to be in your focus. But...
Continuous Improvement – A Proven 5-Step-Process
With continuous improvement you get so much more out of your website, online-shop or app. More leads, more sales, more revenue. Or more donations. More of whatever is essential to you. In this article, I'll introduce you into my proven 5-step-process, how to do and...
My Roadmap To Fight Hunger: The Next 6 Steps
Let's work together to fight hunger around the world! My name is Thomas, and I am joining the fight to reach zero hunger. Because it's just so sad, that still in 2024, despite our technological possibilities, people still starve. Today, I'm defining my roadmap for the...
Like a website relaunch, but awesome: Continuous Improvement
Sometimes it seems to me as if people treat their websites like a book. Every time one single typo is found, the whole book gets printed anew. And because they dont' get updated often enough, they get outdated. So some years later, everything needs to be overhauled at...
Reaching Zero Hunger: My “WHY?”
Right now I'm starting into a new project: To help fighting global hunger. This is a post about my motivation and my "Why?". My very first post on this topic can be found here.Why Am I Concerned with the Issue of Zero Hunger?Well, global hunger affects us all. The...
I’m joining the fight for zero hunger – My new project and blog
In this blogpost, it is all about reaching zero hunger. Worldwide hunger is one of humanities biggest issues and I cannot sit and watch one more second. Let’s dive into my new project!
Mit Piwik PRO und Mouseflow zur perfekten User Experience – So optimieren Sie jetzt Ihre Website nachhaltig
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Piwik PRO Analytics und Mouseflow Ihre Webseite optimal auf die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Nutzer anpassen und so mehr Conversions generieren.
Ich moderiere die KI-Konferenz “KI Kontrolliert” von digitalHUB und RWTH Aachen
Was kontrolliert Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)? Und wie können wir sie kontrollieren? Am Donnerstag, dem 6. Mai 2021 moderiere ich gemeinsam mit Dr. phil. Jacqueline Lemm das digitale Event "KI kontrolliert?!" des digitalHUB Aachen e.V. und dem Lehrstuhl STO der RWTH...