Conversion optimization: So that your online presence not only looks good, but also works well.
Every day, visitors come to your website who do not understand your offers and do not accept them.
As a conversion optimization expert , I support you in optimizing online stores, B2B lead generation and apps.
So that your prospective customers do not pass you by, but your connection is created and deepened.
Because your customers in the digital space
want to understand & achieve better .
On average, 3% of customers make purchases in online stores. The other 97% leave again. For better conversion optimization, you need to understand these customers better…
People used to communicate with their customers directly. This allowed us to learn how to achieve greater customer satisfaction. Today, many contact points have shifted to the digital space. Data is the new way to increase customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is significantly influenced by the digital user experience (UX).
I offer more than 10 years of experience in consulting & coaching for conversion optimization, data-driven strategies and data analytics to improve your user experience (UX).
Conversion Optimization Consultant & Coach.
Expert for data AND user experience (UX).
And what else you can expect from me.
UX or data? Both. Data Driven UX.
Over 20 years of interdisciplinary experience
in both the fields of data and digital user experience: Data Driven UX.
Connected & scalable
I work together with a powerful network of experts.
Pragmatic & goal-oriented
Achieve initial results quickly, easily and promptly. Responsible: We take the work off your hands so that you can take care of everything else.
Perfection & passion
Producing round things. We only stop when it’s really good.
What customers and colleagues say
A structured approach is my A&O in conversion optimization.
How I work.
1. get to know & understand
The first step is to understand your goals, your current challenges and the way you work.
2. take Quick Wins & Low Hanging Fruits with you
In many cases, the first “quick wins” or “low hanging fruits” can be started directly and practically quite quickly. This prevents the risk of getting lost in concepts or lengthy implementation projects for too long. You make direct progress towards the first successes in conversion optimization. If still necessary, implement the tools required for this. This is important so that you get to know how I work straight away.
3. define strategy & goals
As part of a strategy definition, we jointly define the vision and strategy you are pursuing and the goals you want to achieve.
We talk about your target groups, construct your customer journey and define the methods and tools to be used.
Of course, only if you do not already have all these things.
In the event of further cooperation, the strategic guidelines are reviewed and readjusted on a regular basis.
4. ensure data quality
As part of an analytics and tracking test, we subject your marketing analytics data to a quality test: Are all important goals already being measured? Is the data correct and usable?
In the case of Google Analytics: Take a look at my Google Analytics Test & Check service.
5. analysis & inventory
UX Check. Technical check. Competitor check. Data quality check. Data analysis.
6. collect ideas & prioritize according to potential
Collection of all ideas from strategy, quality checks and analyses in an idea portfolio in order to prioritize the optimization measures to be selected.
7. realize potentials & ideas
Start with the planned, continuous implementation of the best and top-prioritized ideas. From now on, it is no longer quick wins and low-hanging fruit that are selected, but those potentials with the categorically best conversion optimization prospects of success.
8. establish continuous conversion optimization
Once we have reached this point 7, we jump back again and again to step 3. From now on, the improvement loop from strategy definition to analysis of the status quo and collection of ideas to continuous improvement is run through again and again. The more often we iterate, the faster and better we get at it together.
9. build up know-how through coaching & training, establish processes
The know-how generated from tests, optimizations and working methods is constantly transferred to your team.
An internal process and a culture of continuous improvement will be established in your team.
Does that sound interesting?
Conversion optimization services at a glance
Usability testing
Usability testing means showing a digital communication measure to one or more real users and observing how they use it. This can reveal astonishing findings about usage.
Usability tests can be carried out on site in the office, in a usability laboratory or remotely via the Internet and at the customer’s premises.
MFP development & rapid prototyping
The strength of a “minimum viable product” (MFP for short) or “launchpad” is to get a website or app live as quickly and easily as possible. The system is then built up piece by piece. This allows you to confirm the benefits of ideas as quickly as possible.
I also create a prototype quickly and agilely – a so-called “rapid prototype” to test your ideas with real users as early as possible.
All the methods mentioned are ideally suited as a basis for usability testing.
Tools and skills:
- Axure RP
- Sketch
- Omnigraffle
- WordPress
- pure HTML & CSS & JavaScript
A/B/n testing
With A/B/N testing, two or more different variants of a website, for example, can be output to different groups. Both variants pursue the same goal. In this way, a comparison can be made to determine which variant was better in relation to the defined and achievable goal. An extremely effective method of conversion optimization.
Tools: Adobe Target, Google Optimize, Optimizely, Oracle Maxymiser, Kameleoon
Personalization is the ability to adapt the content of websites, apps and other communication media individually to the respective user. For example, users can be recommended different content based on the pages they have previously viewed, or different content can be displayed depending on the devices used or the time of day.
Tools: Adobe Target, Google Optimize
Landing page optimization
A landing page is the first page of an online offer that users see after clicking on a search engine, an online ad or an email newsletter, for example. They play a central role in picking up the user and fulfilling their expectations resulting from their origin in order to take the user to their desired destination. For landing pages to work, they have to fulfill a variety of requirements. For example, a new visitor has to find certain keywords from their previous query. The provider must present itself as trustworthy. The user’s need for security must be answered appropriately. There are many more of these criteria.
I help to optimize landing pages so that search engine and ad visits as well as visitors from other sources can better reach their goals.
Tools: WordPress with Thrive Architect, DIVI or Avada. Leadpages, Unbounce. With advanced knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming, I can also work in almost any other system.
Growth Hacking
Growth hacking describes the fast, agile and targeted improvement of all available influencing factors and the use of all available tools and methods to generate growth quickly. This also involves looking for possibilities and trying out things that perhaps no one has ever done before.
In order to be able to carry out growth hacking efficiently and extensively, a wide scope of action is required. If this is available, great progress can be made quickly, depending on the initial situation.
My expertise in growth hacking – over and above the above – is: A holistic-strategic view of your business goals and your online marketing. Existing structures for systematic innovation. Know-how in online advertising and performance marketing as well as extensive experience in the field of search engine optimization.
I offer my expertise not only as a consultancy or service.
You can also benefit from my coaching and training sessions to build up your internal know-how on all the topics mentioned above.
Sounds interesting?
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please contact me.
Thomas Gerstmann
Datadriven Marketing
About me
Since the early days of the Internet in 1996, I have been helping organizations optimize their online presences. I now have a wide range of skills for datadriven conversion & UX optimization.
With my photographic portrait of todays society “Objektiv auf unendlich” I am a member of the artists organization “Berufsverband Bildender Künstler” and on Instagram.
I am also involved in the digitalHUB Aachen e.V.. I also organize the Data & AI Meetup Aachen and co-founded the Plattform Aachen e.V. association.