Right now I’m starting into a new project: To help fighting global hunger. This is a post about my motivation and my “Why?”. My very first post on this topic can be found here.
Why Am I Concerned with the Issue of Zero Hunger?
Well, global hunger affects us all. The fact that we, as humanity, have still not managed to get this under control in 2024, despite all our technological capabilities and the sustainable development, makes me sad and angry. For me, it’s about questioning myself and finding solutions together. It’s important that we open our eyes, recognize problems, and tackle them. Where is the greatest need? How can I help to reach zero hunger?
Where the idea comes from: My art project and photo blog “objektiv auf unendlich”
I’ve been engaging in this approach of going out, looking, speaking, listening, understanding, and analyzing for years through my photo blog and art project “objektiv auf unendlich”.
The theme of the photo blog is “I make myself a picture of our society. One picture every day.” This way, I get to know the various corners and facets of our society. But the project doesn’t stop at hitting the streets and start photographing. The next step involves exhibiting the photos on-site or online. That’s where the engagement and discussion continue.
With this art project, I have always been seeking out the major challenges and problems of our society. It has never been just about observing and recognizing, but always about asking:
Where exactly can I lend a hand? How can I help? What can I contribute?
My “Why”: To whom much is given, much is expected
My “Why?” – behind the photo project and my engagement in fighting global hunger as well – stems from my faith. A few years ago, I lost all my foundation for life and was unmotivated and hopeless. I didn’t want to go on. In that moment, I prayed, aimed for God, and my prayers were profoundly answered. I was blessed richly.
Christians are called to give and share, what they have been given. And indeed, in the following weeks, months, and years, I repeatedly experienced that it is most wonderful to share with others what you have been given. That’s what it’s all about now. To help the people on this planet and the community of all people where there is great suffering. And thus, live out the principle of “love your neighbor” rather than just talking and preaching.
From faith through photography to fighting hunger and reach zero hunger
In all these reflections and prayers, the massive problem of global hunger has increasingly crystallized for me recently. The situation looks drastic in some parts of the world and for many people zero hunger is lightyears away.
For example, South Sudan: Each year, especially in the summer, around 7.2 million people are massively threatened by hunger. That’s about 2/3 of the entire population of the country (as of June 2023)*. Many people simply cannot escape this situation because there are often no means, opportunities, or possibilities.
These are the reasons why I want to contribute to the fight against global hunger to reach zero hunger. I want to support aid organizations and startups with my expertise in web analytics, organize art exhibitions and photo projects, as well as other awareness-raising projects, to draw attention to this important issue – and tap into the greatest, still unused potentials.
There are already many good organizations, approaches, and solutions. But still, millions of people die of hunger every year.
You can read on with my next blog post here: “My Roadmap To Fight Hunger: The Next 6 Steps”
So, join me on my journey towards zero hunger and let’s tackle this together! To stay connected and updated, please subscribe into my newsletter:
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